
Wednesday 8 February 2012

A healthy heart

The average heart beat per minute is 60-100 beats in an adult. This increases with stress, anxiety, unforgiveness, anger and any other bad feelings inside therefore increasing your blood pressure. Watch out and don't let these feelings stay inside and control you. Once they're gone you'll feel lighter, happier and an all round pleasant person. You're heart will thank you as well. Red heart

Check out the 10 best foods for your heart at,,20307113,00.html. If the average beats of your heart per minute are 60-100 then it's gonna need the best food to keep strong!!

Wednesday 1 February 2012


It's always good to have at least three good quality products in your make-up bag. Why not opt for a YSL macscara, a Chanel lipstick and an Estee Lauder blusher. Then you can touch up with your favourite eyeshadow and foundation and voila!

Ok, if you don't like make-up and you're the 'Au Naturel' type at least opt for a good lipgloss, cheek tint and mascara, this will change your look slightly but not too obvious, it will also make you feel better about yourself ;-)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Elegant Hair


"The hair is the richest ornament of women".  Martin Luther

Bad hair day? For long hair: Tie it up in a french pleat and decorate it with a nice hair clip or head band. For short hair: small clips. Who said you have to wait for special days?

Want to know when your hair is completely clean after washing? run a few strands between your index finger and thumb. If it doesn't squeak, rinse again.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Your home

You may elegant on the outside but that shouldn't stop your home being elegant also.

Add silks and satins to your bed linens, fragranced sachets to your closet and drawers, scented candles in your bathroom, a vase of flowers in the kitchen, a beautiful eye capturing painting to your living room. You'll feel peace, pleasure and satisfaction in your home.

If you're inviting guests to dinner always have snacks and refreshments ready just incase you're a little behind on getting dinner ready.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Be arrayed


“A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view.” -- Sophia Loren

Every woman should have atleast these five simple dresses in her wardrobe:

The little black dress  - for formal functions or dinners
A white floaty dress - For summers days, luncheons/barbeques
An executive dress-  for interviews or Business meetings
A long elegant dress - for a ball
A colourful dress - can be worn on normal days and make you feel young


Suits you

There's nothing better than your personal touch. It's good to compliment someone on their dress but not copy them. Instead, be inspired and chose what looks good on you. You'll be more confident when you know what's suits you. 

Wednesday 5 January 2011


"Let your light shine before men" Jesus Christ

The more you smile, the more approachable you are and in conclusion, the more people want to be around you. This goes for laughter as well. Happiness is the key to keeping strong friendships and a healthy immune system (it will defend you against colds and other unwanted illnesses).


It's polite to aknowledge someone when you see them. Even if it's just a smile and a short "hey." Friendliness demonstrates communication etiquette. Also, saying "Hey Katie!" instead of just "Hey!" makes the greeting more personable and also makes the person who you are greeting feel special.

What are you saying

“Who said ‘clothes make a statement’?  What an understatement that was.  Clothes never shut up.  They gabble on endlessly making their intentional and unintentional points.” -Susan Brownmiller

Clothes talk for us when we don't talk. Muffin tops, cleavage showing, underwear on display, bra straps showing, these all shout out 'Hey, look what's underneath'. A no go area for an elegant woman.


Muffin top: keep the waist inside with trousers or skirts that fit nicely.

Underwear on display: Keep under the clothes! Wear a good belt, hipster cut underwear or make sure your top goes over the your waist.

Bra straps on show: A strapless bra or backless bra.
Cleavage: Keep this to yourself with tops that are cut straight across, or another suitable top underneath if the neckline is too low.

You don't only need to be poilte to others but be polite to yourself aswell. Exercise, eat healthy, have a good night's sleep. Taking care of yourself is the best self etiquette.